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Whistleblowing champion on new process to help staff raise patient safety concerns

Oct 4, 2021

Whistleblowing process

NHS Lanarkshire non executive director and whistleblowing champion Lesley McDonald explains the new whistleblowing standards and how they can be used to improve patient care, safety and experience as well as promoting an open, transparent and supportive working environment.

You can watch Lesley’s full video here:

Advice phone line

To assist NHS organisations with implementation, and to ensure those who want to raise concerns have access to all the information they need about raising a concern, the INWO team operate an advice phone line. You can contact the team on:

  • Phone: 0800 008 6112
  • Email: INWO@spso.gov.scot

Further information

The national Whistleblowing Standards went live on 1 April 2021. For further information on how to use the Standards and details of each stage of the Standards, click here.

The National Whistleblowing Standards can be downloaded here.

Further information is available on the INWO website, including FAQs, cases studies and contact details. Further details on whistleblowing is also available here.


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