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Flash Report: Let’s Prevent Diabetes

Flash Report: Let’s Prevent Diabetes

Let’s Prevent Diabetes is a group education programme which aims to support people identified at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and prevent or delay the condition through this structured education programme, which targets lifestyle modification and behaviour change.

In response to the COVID pandemic restrictions introduced in March 2020, the Diabetes Specialist Dietitian (DSD) team had to adopt a new way of delivering this traditional face-to-face service and transitioned to a remote service, with those referred being offered one of 2 options:

  • an e-learning package, followed by a 6 week telephone review by a DSD
  • a one off consultation with a DSD, either via telephone or video link

Due to the ongoing pressures of the epidemic and staff absences during 2021 the e-learning package became the only option routinely available to individuals, although there have been occasions where people, who were unable to access this route, were offered a 1:1 telephone review.

Over the last year, there have been 360 referrals into the service, with an uptake of approx. 30% (n = 108) for the e-learning package.

Over the coming year, all those who engaged with the service and the e-learning package will be offered the opportunity of 1 year post course review appointment with a DSD. These individuals will be contacted beforehand to advise on the importance of undertaking an assessment prior to the given date, both for data collection purposes and to ascertain their current pre-diabetes / diabetes status.

The DSD team are focusing on re-establishing a more enhanced service delivery, which will focus on a combination of virtual and face-to-face delivery of the Let’s Prevent Diabetes group programme, with the offer of an e-learning package and individual appointments for those unable to access either of these group formats.

It is hoped that by enhancing awareness of this service with our community colleagues, this should result in an increase in the number of individuals referred to the service.

Referral Process:

  1. Check inclusion / exclusion criteria
  2. Discuss this educational intervention with any potential participants
  3. Referral to Diabetes Specialist Dietitian via SCI-Gateway
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