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Cost of Living

The UK is currently facing a significant and wide reaching cost-of-living crisis.

This is due to the cost of everyday essentials, such as energy and food, rising much faster than average incomes and/or benefits.

Work to help reduce the impact on the people of Lanarkshire is already underway and is being led by North and South Lanarkshire Councils and the voluntary sector.

These organisations have a range of supports which can be accessed here:

NHS Lanarkshire support to help you with money worries:

“Worrying About Money?” Leaflet

The “Worrying About Money?” leaflet is a local and up-to-date resource to support people facing financial worries. It directs people to the right support based on the issues they are currently facing. There are leaflets available for every local authority area in Scotland, including North and South Lanarkshire and can be used by individuals or with staff as a support tool for referrals and signposting.

Support to quit smoking

We know that smoking is bad for our health and can increase the risk of developing serious health conditions, including COPD and cancer. However, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health, as well as our bank accounts.

We understand that people often smoke to help them cope, especially when many of us have money worries right now. However, for people who are already struggling, smoking can actually make your mental health and money worries worse. For example, if you smoke twenty cigarettes per day, then quitting could save you at least £3115* per year.

Quit Your Way is NHS Lanarkshire’s free stop smoking service and offers 12 weeks of support to anyone who smokes, including free nicotine replacement therapy, and specialist support to quit for pregnant women and those with mental health problems. Even if you have tried to stop before without success – we know nicotine is a powerful, addictive drug – we’re here to help and support you when you feel ready.

Call – 0800 84 84 84 or visit the Quit Your Way webpage.

*Source: ASH Scotland

Eating Well for Less
Eating a healthy balanced diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Have a look through some top tips to eat well for less:

  • Buy frozen or canned fruit/vegetables, they have the same amount of nutrients as fresh products. If buying canned fruit, try and avoid those in syrup
  • Cook with pulses- aim to bulk out dishes with these protein-rich foods and give your body and wallet a boost. For example swapping out half the meat in a chilli or bolognese for lentils
  • Freeze leftovers to eat at a later date
  • Fruits and vegetables taste best when they’re in season and it’s also when they’re cheapest
  • Plan your meals and try writing out a shopping list so you’re only picking up what you need
  • If possible, you could order shopping online for delivery- it’ll help stop you picking up extras
  • Try cheaper brands (do a blind taste test with the family to see if you can tell the difference, it could be fun!)
  • Look out for “yellow sticker bargains” at the shops- check for fresh items that you’d eat on the day or can freeze

Find out more about free support to live a healthier lifestyle.

Lanarkshire Mind Matters - Support for your mental health

NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services offer a range of services for a range of needs. Their aim is to improve psychological wellbeing and make a positive difference to people’s lives.

Their website, Lanarkshire Mind Matters, can link you to groups, courses, one-to-one therapy, self-help and lots of other useful resources so you can find the most useful thing at the most useful time, whatever it might be.

Young Patients Family Fund

If you’re the parent, primary carer or sibling (aged under 18) of a young inpatient under the age of 18 receiving hospital care, you can claim for the costs of travel and food.

An inpatient is a patient who lives in hospital while having treatment. You cannot claim costs for outpatient visits through the scheme.

You must normally live in Scotland. You need to make the claim from the Young Patients Family Fund within 3 months of the young inpatient being discharged from hospital.

For information about how to make a claim visit the mygov.scot website: https://www.mygov.scot/young-patients-family-fund

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