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Going for a Smear Test (Cervical Screening)

All women aged 25 to 65 years are asked to go for a smear test

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What is a smear test?


A smear test is a check of your cervix which is inside your vagina.

It checks for any changes that may turn into cancer.


You will receive a letter to make an appointment at your doctors.


You can phone your doctors and get an appointment with the nurse for a smear test.

period with a red cross through it

You can’t get a smear done if you have your period.

What will I wear?


It will be easier if you wear a skirt.


You can wear trousers instead.


It is best to wear clean pants.

Having your smear test


A nurse or female doctor will do the smear.

doctor and patient

You will go into the nurse or doctor’s room and they will ask questions about your health.

woman lying down

You will be asked to take off your pants, then lie on the couch.

person indicating stop

If you want to stop tell the nurse at anytime.


The nurse will use a speculum.


The nurse will gently put the speculum inside your vagina.

person walking through a park

She will use a soft brush to get some cells from your cervix inside your vagina.

brush and pot

These cells will be put in a pot and sent away to be tested.


There may be some bleeding after this has been done.

person holding their tummy

You may have some cramp.


You can then go home.

The results will be sent to your house.


After a few weeks you will get a letter with the results.

thumbs up

If your smear test is okay or if you are 25 – 50 years of age you will have another one in 3 years.

If you are 50-65 years of age it will be in 5 years.

thumbs down

Sometimes the test doesn’t work and may need to be done again.

If something is wrong it may need to be done again.


Make an appointment with your doctor.

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