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Having an X-ray

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X-rays let us take pictures of the inside of your body and bones.

person waiting at reception

You need to tell the receptionist your name and hand in your referral form.

person in a waiting room

You may need to sit in the waiting room until staff call out your name.

nurse handing a patient a gown

For some x-rays you may need to put on a hospital gown.

patient wearing a gown

You will go from the changing room to the x-ray room.


You may need to stand up, or you may need to lie down.

radiographer talking to patient

The radiographer will tell you what they are doing.

They will line up the x-ray machine to the part of your body they want to take a picture of.

radiographer taking an xray

If you are worried, someone can stay with you.

They will need to wear a protective apron.

radiographer standing behind a screen

The radiographer will stand behind a screen to take the x-ray.

radiographer talking to patient

They will tell you what to do after having your x-ray.

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