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Having your blood taken

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Having your blood taken can let us know if you are unwell.

nurse prepping needles

Blood can be taken by a nurse or doctor.

nurse talking to patient

They will tell you why they want to take your blood.

nurse with patient

They will tie a thick band on your arm.
The band may feel tight.
It might feel sore.

nurse preparing the arm

They can put gel on your arm which can help with the pain.

nurse drawing blood

They will put a needle into your arm.
You will need to keep your arm still.

nurse drawing blood

Your blood will go into a blood bottle.

nurse applying a small bandage

They will take the band off your arm.
They will put a plaster or dressing on your arm.

They will send your blood to be tested.

When the blood test is finished the nurse or doctor will talk to you.

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