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Going for a Colonoscopy

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What is a Colonoscopy?


A colonoscopy is a test that checks your colon (bowel) is healthy.

medical camera

A small camera is put up your bottom, to let the doctor see inside your colon (bowel)

It checks for any lumps or changes that might be cancer.


A colonoscopy is done at hospital.

Usually you can go home the same day. 

Before you go to hospital

Before your appointment you might need to:

fruit and milk
  • Eat and drink certain foods only.


a person eating with a red cross over the top
  • Stop eating before your appointment.
a drink and a person going to the toilet
  • Take a special drink or tablets. These will make you go to the toilet.
person talking to a doctor

The doctor or nurse will tell you about this before your appointment.

What happens at my appointment?


When you get to hospital, you will have to change into a gown. 

person laying on their side

You will lie on a bed, on your side.


You will be given a jag in the back of your hand.  This will make you feel sleepy.

a colonoscopy

The doctor will gently put a small camera up your bottom.  The doctor might use gel on the camera and this will feel cold.

You will feel the camera blowing air into your bottom.  This is to help the doctor to see and should not be sore.

person holding their nose

Sometimes, you might need to fart.  This is normal so don’t feel embarrassed.

person holding up their hand

This might feel strange or sore.

If you are uncomfortable ask the doctor to stop.


The doctor will talk to you about the test results.  Then you can usually go home.

beer and wine with a red cross over it

You will feel sleepy after the hospital.  It is important to avoid alcohol for the rest of the day.

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