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Bowel Screening

Bowel cancer is more common in people over 50

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What is a Bowel Screening Test?


It is a test you do in your own home.

letter coming through a letterbox

The test kit comes, in the post.

a birthday card next to a calendar

You will get the test kit when you are 50. On the month of your birthday.

Then every two years, until the age of 74.

man on a phone

If you still want to do the test after 74, phone 0800 0121 833 for the kit every two years.

Why do the test?

blood and poo

The test will look for any hidden blood in your poo.

woman showing one finger

You only need to collect one sample of poo.


The sample will be looked at under a microscope.

The Bowel Screening Test Kit?


The kit

people reading

Read the information. Ask if you need help.

a label on a letter

Take the label from the front of your letter.

label being stuck next to the plus sign

Put the label on the stick at the + sign.

loo roll and a plastic box

You need a plastic tub and toilet paper.

a letter

Keep the envelope to send back your sample.

Doing the Test

plastic tub placed in a toilet

When you need to go to the toilet.

Put the plastic tub, with the toilet paper in to the toilet.

a person indicating stop next to a person peeing

Do not pee in the plastic tub.

person removing the plastic tub

When you have your sample, take the plastic tub out of the toilet.

hands washing

Wash and dry your hands.

the top being twisted

Twist the top to open it.

person taking a sample of poo

Take a small sample from your poo.


Try to fill the two holes on the stick.

sample being placed in the kit

Then put the stick into the kit.

Close the kit.

toilet flushing

Empty the plastic tub into the toilet and then flush.

plastic tub being placed in bin

Put the plastic tub in the bin.

hand washing

Wash and dry your hands.

someone writing a date on the test

Write the date when you do the test.

kit being placed in envelope

Put the test kit into the envelope.

person posting a letter

Post as soon as possible.


You will get a letter with your results about two weeks later.

If everything is ok, you will get another kit in two years.


If there is blood in your poo, you may need to go to hospital for more tests.

person talking to a doctor

Talk to your doctor if you are worried.

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