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Hepatitis C

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Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by different viruses.

The main differences between hepatitis A, B, and C are how you get them and how they make you feel.

a person holding a magnifying glass

You may not show any signs or symptoms of hepatitis.

How you can get Hepatitis C?

needle and a cup

By sharing any injecting equipment including syringes, needles, filters, cups, spoons and water.

blood, toothbrush, and razor

From infected blood like an open cut, accidental injury with a contaminated needle, by sharing razors, toothbrushes.

piercings and tattoos

From body piercing or tattooing if any equipment is re-used.

people kissing and a condom with a red cross through it

Having sex without using a condom.

How you can protect yourself from Hepatitis C

a needle with a red cross through it

Do not share any injecting equipment including syringes, needles, filters, cups, spoons and water.

toothbrush and a razor with a red cross through them

Do not share personal items such as a razor or toothbrush where dried blood may be present.

toothbrush and a razor with a red cross through them

Check that sterile needles are used for injecting, acupuncture, tattooing and body piercing.

people kissing and a condom

By having safer sex – use a condom.

Where to go for information

person using a computer

Lanarkshire HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis Centre
01236 712247


doctor and patient

Where to go for testing

  • Your own doctor (GP)
  • Lanarkshire GUM (Genitourinary medicine) and sexual health service
    0300 303 0251
Free Condoms

To get free condoms go to:
The doctor (GP), clinic or chemist
Or call 0300 303 0251 for your nearest centre.

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