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Emergency Contraception

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Emergency Contraception

unprotected sex

If you have sex without using contraception, (unprotected sex) they may get pregnant.

unprotected sex

If you do not want to get pregnant, there are two ways of preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex.

Levonelle and ellaOne tablet

One is the Morning After Pill.
There are 2 types of pill.
They are called Levonelle and ellaOne


Or the other is to have a coil (IUD) fitted.

Morning After Pill (Levonelle and ellaOne)

Person visiting a doctor and a pharmacist

You can get the Levonelle tablet from your doctor or chemist.

You can take the Levonelle tablet within 72 hours
person talking to a nurse

You can take the Levonelle tablet within 72 hours (3 days).
You can get the ellaOne tablet from the doctor (GP) or clinic.

ellaOne tablet

You can take the ellaOne tablet within 120 hours (5 days).

person talking to a nurse

The nurse will help you to take the tablet before you leave the clinic and give you an appointment for 3 weeks.

people feeling unwell

You may feel unwell after taking the tablet.
If you are sick within 2 hrs of taking the tablet.
Phone the doctor or nurse.

a period

Your period should start in the next 3 weeks.


If you have sex before your next period use a condom.

Coil (IUD)


The coil is a small plastic and copper device.

a doctor and a coil

The coil is put into your body (womb) by a doctor.

person with sore tummy

After the coil is fitted:
If your tummy is sore, you can
take some tablets for the pain (Paracetamol).

You may bleed for a few days

You may bleed for a few days.

a period

Your next period:
May start as usual.
May be heavier or longer.
May be more painful.
This may improve after a few months.

a doctor and a patient

Talk to your doctor if you are worried.
If you want to keep the coil as a long term contraception it can last for 5 – 10 years.

free condoms

To get free condoms go to your doctor (GP), clinic or chemist.


Or call 0300 303 0251 for your nearest centre.

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