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Save the date – Staff Health and Wellbeing Week 2023

Sep 6, 2023

Save the date – Staff Health and Wellbeing Week 2023

NHS Lanarkshire’s Staff Health and Wellbeing Week makes its return in October.

The week, which will run from Monday 30 October to Sunday 5 November, will highlight and celebrate what makes Lanarkshire staff unique and how valuable they are to the health of Lanarkshire communities.

The wellbeing week aims to give individuals and teams tools and ideas to share good practice on how to look after themselves and each other.

Maureen Lees, chair of the staff health and wellbeing week organising group, said: “We are excited to announce our upcoming health and wellbeing week, where we prioritise the most valuable asset in our organisation – our people.

“At the heart of exceptional healthcare is the wellbeing of our dedicated staff. Their physical and emotional health directly impacts the quality of care we provide. By nurturing our team’s wellbeing, we not only support them but also enhance the wellbeing of our patients.

“We hope staff will join us in a week filled with activities, knowledge-sharing and self-care.”

Full details of the week will be announced at a later date.

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