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For the people in NHS Lanarkshire and health and social care partnerships.


Final Reminder – staff travel survey

Mar 27, 2024

Thank you to those of you who have taken time to complete the staff travel survey, your feedback will give valuable insights to improve the commuting experience for all employees.

If you have not yet completed the survey, you have until Sunday 31st March to have your say. The survey can be accessed at the following link: https://content.mobilityways.com/lanarkshire-nhs-2024-travel-survey-0-0

Martin Hill, chair of NHS Lanarkshire and board sustainability champion, said: The travel and transport are amongst the top sources of carbon emissions, which, as we all know, are bad for the environment, they’re bad for the planet and are unsustainable in the long term.

“Sustainability is a real priority for NHS Lanarkshire aligning with the core principles of our new Healthcare Strategy, ‘Our Health Together.’

“We need to do things differently. And that also means thinking about how we travel, so that we do so in the most affordable, sustainable and healthy ways. If we can make our transport and travel more environmentally friendly, they’ll be more affordable and healthier for everyone.

“We’re working through a programme to switch our fleet of vans and cars to fully electric vehicles. We also need to find opportunities to include electric car charging for staff and the public.

“We’ve already got some excellent programmes in place to improve active travel options for staff. Some of these include free bike hire and better and more secure bike shelters.

“But what more should we be doing that would enable you to walk or cycle to work, if that’s what you wanted to do? Would better access to changing facilities, lockers and showers help? Also, what more can we do to make commuting to and from work more affordable and planet friendly?

“There’s a lot to think about and our staff will have their own ideas about what might help them. That’s why we need to hear from you, by having your say in what improvements we can make.”

For more information about the staff travel survey and NHS Lanarkshire’s sustainability initiatives, please contact Craig Brown, head of sustainability and environmental performance

at craig.brown2@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk.

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