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For the people in NHS Lanarkshire and health and social care partnerships.


Deadline for acute staff to complete their iMatter staff survey

Jun 13, 2022

It is the last week for staff within the acute directorate to complete their iMatter staff experience survey.

Teams within this group have until 20 June to complete their questionnaire.

Completing the questionnaire – online, on paper or by SMS (text messaging) – allows staff the chance to give feedback on, and be involved in, influencing change and improvement in their workplace.

Staff can take just 10 minutes out of their day to fill in their questionnaire, completed anonymously. The completed questionnaires will then be processed by an external company making it totally confidential.

Judith Park, director of acute services, said: “All our staff have been under a tremendous amount of pressure over the last two years and I would encourage teams within the acute directorates to take the time to complete their iMatter questionnaire.

“By doing so, it will help line managers understand what it is like for their staff as an individual at work, in their teams and in NHS Lanarkshire and put in place any support that may be required to enable employees feel motivated, supported and cared for at work.”

Please take the time to fill in your iMatter questionnaire by 20 June. If you are in the group above and have not received your questionnaire, please speak to your line manager.

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