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Transformation and Reform Programme

NHS Lanarkshire must transform and reform to achieve financial balance in 2024/25 and provide the best possible care for the people of Lanarkshire within the resources we have.

We have a new Transformation and Reform Programme for the whole-system redesign of:

  • Unscheduled care
  • Planned care
  • Mental health care
  • Primary care
  • Supporting corporate services

These five workstreams have an immediate objective to develop proposals for reformed service models – delivered within the budget for 2024/25 onwards.

What can you do to help?

We have a firm commitment to working together and engaging our public and staff stakeholders in this programme.

You can participate in this right now by sharing your actionable efficiency and innovation ideas on our website suggestion form below.

If you have any other comments or questions about our Transformation and Reform work, you can email the programme team at transform@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

Suggestion Form

Please see our Data Protection Notice for how we manage the information you provide.

Transformation and Reform Programme - Suggestion Form

NHS Lanarkshire must transform and reform to achieve financial balance in 2024/25 and provide the best possible care for the people of Lanarkshire within the resources we have – and we need your help. All staff and members of the public are being asked to consider where they can make a difference and share their amazing ideas, however big or small, by completing this form.

  • In a brief statement, tell us what your Idea is?
  • How it would it work in practice?
  • Who would be the key people to involve in exploring this further and maybe help with thinking it through and assist with the detailed planning?
  • If you are happy to provide further information about your idea can you give your contact details.

  • Preferably your work email address if you have one
  • If a member of NHS Lanarkshire staff, which department or team do you work in?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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