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NHS Lanarkshire sets out timeline for the next stage of vaccination programme

Sep 24, 2021

NHS Lanarkshire has set out the timeline for the next stage of the covid-19 and seasonal flu vaccination programmes.

Dr Mark Russell, Lead for the covid-19 vaccination programme in Lanarkshire, said: “Delivering covid-19 vaccine first and second doses, boosters and the flu vaccination is a massive undertaking. This year, more people than ever are eligible for the flu vaccine and, where possible, we are offering this at the same time as the covid-19 booster vaccine.

“As with the initial covid-19 vaccination programme, we are asking people to be patient as they will be contacted when it is their turn for either or both vaccines.

To allow GP practices to continue to provide their vital services to patients, they are not involved in delivering these vaccination programmes. Please do not contact your GP practice about the covid booster or flu vaccinations as they will not be able to help.”

The planned timeline is as follows:

People who require a third dose

People who are severely immunosuppressed and who require a third dose of the covid-19 vaccine have started to receive letters for appointments starting on 29 September.

12 to 15 year-olds

12 to 15 year-olds can now attend any of our covid-19 drop-in vaccination clinics. Appointment letters are also being issued, for appointments starting on 1 October.

People over 70 and those who were shielding

People over the age of 70 and adults aged 16 years and over who are on the highest risk list (previously known as the shielding list), will start to receive letters from the end of September for appointments starting on 6 October. These appointments will be for both their covid-19 booster and seasonal flu vaccinations.

People who are housebound

For people who are housebound, NHS Lanarkshire has a dedicated team of staff to deliver these vaccinations. The team is collating the list and will contact everyone directly. You do not need to do anything in the meantime. These visits are planned to start week beginning 4 October.

A few people may receive a letter with an appointment at a clinic. If you receive an appointment, please call the number on the letter and let the helpline know that you require a home visit. They will pass you through to the local NHS Lanarkshire team to arrange a home visit.

Other eligible groups

Details for other eligible groups will be publicised once they are confirmed. These groups include all those aged 16 to 49 years with underlying health conditions, adult carers, unpaid and young carers, adult household contacts of immunosuppressed individuals and all adults over 50.

Our local website is currently being updated and will include further information, including a detailed frequently asked questions document.

For details of drop-in clinics visit

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