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Stroke Neurological Rehabilitation Teams


There are 2 Stroke Neurological Rehabilitation Teams in Lanarkshire, who cover North and South Lanarkshire.

The teams provide specialist assessment, rehabilitation and support for people over 16 years old across Lanarkshire who are affected by a stroke or a neurological condition.

The teams comprise of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Support Staff and work closely with hospital staff, GPs, Consultants, Specialist Nurses, Social Work and the voluntary sector.

How to refer

Your Consultant, Specialist Nurse, GP, Social Worker or Healthcare Professional can refer you to the service.

You can also contact the service by calling:

Your Feedback – comments, concerns and complaints

NHS Lanarkshire is committed to improving the service it provides to patients and their families. We, therefore, want to hear from you about your experience. If you would like to tell us about this please visit our feedback page.

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