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Rheumatology - Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy can be used to treat and manage various rheumatology conditions. In NHS Lanarkshire we currently have one hydrotherapy pool. This is currently situated at University Hospital Wishaw.

Referrals to hydrotherapy can be accepted from Physiotherapy colleagues and also members of the rheumatology MDT. You cannot self-refer to hydrotherapy.

Once the referral has been made to hydrotherapy your physiotherapist will complete a contraindication/precaution checklist with you to ensure you are safe to enter the pool. Hydrotherapy would not be appropriate if you have completed a course of hydrotherapy previously for the same condition. You must also be accepting of a referral to your local swimming pool that will be completed by your physiotherapist.

Once accepted into the pool you will receive up to 4 sessions. The number of sessions will be a joint decision between yourself and the physiotherapist. The main aim of the pool is to be shown specific exercises for you and your condition which can be then be performed in your local pool by yourself.

Rheumatology Helpline

Our helpline number can be used if you have any questions about your disease, medication or if you are experiencing a flare. This number is also used for patients who are under the PIFU (Patient Initiated Follow-Up) system.

Your Feedback – comments, concerns and complaints

NHS Lanarkshire is committed to improving the service it provides to patients and their families. We therefore want to hear from you about your experience. If you would like to tell us about this please visit our feedback page.

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