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Plantar Heel Pain

University Department of Podiatry

What is Plantar Heel Pain?

This is by far the most common condition affecting the foot; one in ten people develop it at some time in their life. It is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60 years; however, it can occur at any age. Women are twice more likely to develop this condition than men. It is also common in athletes. The good news is that with appropriate advice and treatment this will resolve for the vast majority of people.

Treatment protocols for heel pain almost always start with basic principles and we would encourage you to consider trying some self-help treatment before making a referral to your local Podiatry department.

Foot with location of plantar fascia location

What is the Plantar Fascia?

The plantar fascia is a strong fibrous band that stretches from the heel to your toes. It is made up of three bands that run along the inside, middle and outside of the bottom of your foot. The inside and outside bands support the arch and act as shock-absorbers.

Shock absorption is important as it reduces the impact your body weight has on the foot when walking, running and carrying out any weight-bearing exercises. Not only does the plantar fascia support the arch, but it also stabilizes the foot to allow you to push off through your toes.

When pain develops in the plantar fascia, it can be very disabling. Every step can become more painful and cause you to change the way that you walk. When this happens it can lead to strains to other parts of your body.

Also known plantar fasciopathy used to be called plantar fasciitis, this is the most common condition affecting the foot. The condition is usually diagnosed by clinical findings alone.

View of the bottom of the foot showing plantar heel location

What are the signs and symptoms of Plantar Heel Pain?

You may experience any or all of the following:

  • A gradual onset of pain affecting the base of the heel
  • Pain in the heel during the first steps when you get out of bed in the morning
  • Pain in the heel when weight bearing after a period of inactivity or rest
  • Pain that eases or lessens with moderate activity
  • Worsening pain later on during the day or after long periods of standing or walking

What causes plantar heel pain? 

In most cases, plantar heel pain develops as a result of changes to the way our foot functions with small tears occurring within the plantar fascia. These injuries happen at a rate faster than the body can heal them and as a result the plantar fascia starts to become thickened and painful. The pain is most commonly felt under the inside of the heel but can be anywhere along the bands of the plantar fascia.

You may have contributing factor related to plantar heel pain:

  • Being overweight
  • Weakness in the muscles within your feet or leg
  • Tightness in the muscles up the backs of your legs
  • Wearing unsupportive footwear such as shoes or sandals which have a low heel and don’t support the feet
  • Spending long periods standing or walking, especially with a sudden increase in these activities
  • Jobs that involve standing or walking on hard surfaces for long periods of time
  • Sudden increase in physical activity levels- for example, recently started running

What can help with plantar heel pain?

Unfortunately there is no quick or easy fix and your symptoms won’t improve overnight. Plantar heel pain is self-limiting and in many cases will improve without any treatment. It is important though that if you have any of the contributing factors you make the necessary changes to help your recovery.

Making changes to your lifestyle as well as reducing aggravating activities is key to helping your recovery. Only you can do this.

There are a number of things you can try including:

  • Rest and raise your foot on a stool when you can
  • Put an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) in a towel on the painful area for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours
  • Wear shoes with cushioned heels and good arch support
  • Use insoles or heel pads in your footwear
  • Try regular stretching and foot exercises
  • Try exercises which put no pressure on your feet, such as swimming
  • Try to lose weight if you’re overweight or obese

These a number of things to try to avoid including:

  • Avoid walking or standing for long periods
  • Avoid wearing high heels and tight pointy shoes
  • Avoid wearing flip-flops or backless slippers
  • Avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces

Pain Activity Ladder

By following the pain activity ladder you can identify activities that you would consider severely painful, moderately painful and mildly irritating and act to change your habits.

The pain scale, most often used in healthcare, measures pain from 0-10 (zero being no pain and 10 representing the worst pain you could imagine).

If you can identify the level of pain you are experiencing, you will find out if you are in the green, amber or red zone. The best way to move down to the green zone is by pacing and spacing your activity.

When you are completing your rehabilitation exercises it is often best to work within the green (and sometimes amber zones depending on what you deem is an acceptable level of pain) both during the exercises and within 48 hours of completing your exercises. If you find yourself in the red zone you are likely pushing yourself too hard and may flare up the pain.

Ankle, Foot and Toe Exercise

The following exercises will help to improve your pain over a period of time. Remember to follow the advice from the Pain activity ladder section above.

Further information about Plantar Heel Pain

image of a wasp, an acronym for weight, activity, shoes and partnership

W.A.S.P. is an acronym employed by our podiatrists to remind you of your current situation regarding your foot pain. It stands for Weight, Activity, Shoes and Partnership.

This is based on some of these areas of your lifestyle that go relatively unnoticed, in your life, until one day this comes sharply in to view then it stings you, resulting in your foot pain and now you pay attention, seeking help.

Weight reduction

People who tend to have increased weight can have more prolonged pain and poorer tissue healing due to increased levels of inflammation in the body. Reducing your weight can generally help improve and pain and the healing process.


Shoes that have flexible soles generally offer the foot less support and can increase the stress in soft tissues in your feet. If you have shoelaces make sure they are tied appropriately. Avoid wearing hard, flat or unsupportive shoes.

Activity modification

Pacing is the term used for breaking down an activity or task. This can be done by taking regular breaks and prioritising daily activities can help. This can also help prevent ‘over-stimulating’ the pain system, so it is important to plan rests and set achievable goals.


Your partnership with our MSK podiatrists, is based on the aims from NHS Scotland’s Realistic Medicine strategy, for you using healthcare services to feel empowered to discuss your treatment fully with our clinicians, including the possibility a suggested treatment might come with side effects – or even negative outcomes.

Footwear Advice

Additional information

Acute Injury Management

POLICE is an acronym (Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression and Elevation) that is used as a management strategy for many injuries and conditions for the first 24 to 72 hours.

  • Protection and relative rest are advised immediately after injury for the first 24 to 72 hours.
  • Optimal Loading refers to having a balanced rehabilitation program which encourages early and gradual activity to improve recovery. How you progress will vary from person to person depending on the injury. It is about finding the injured areas happy place and increasing slowly and gradually.
  • Ice may be used for reducing pain and swelling. There are safety points to follow when you use ice:
    • Don't ice over a numb area or open wound. If the skin is numb you won't notice if you're developing an ice burn and ice on an open wound can increase the risk of infection.
    • Be wary of ice burns – don't apply ice directly to the skin, wrap an ice pack in a clean, damp tea towel before applying. Avoid prolonged exposure to ice, 10-20 minutes is usually adequate.
    • Apply crushed ice/frozen peas wrapped in a damp towel for 10-20 minutes, 2-3 times per day for the first 5-7 days post injury/ flare up of pain.
    • Stop applying ice if there are any negative effects such as increase in pain or swelling or skin soreness.
  • Compression and Elevation are helpful for reducing inflammation. This can be done by keeping your joint raised on a pillow and compressed by wrapping a bandage around it.
    Do not make the bandage too tight and do not wear tubi-grip or any compression bandage in bed at night.
  • Heat: After 2-3 days, you may find that heat is more relaxing.

You could use a heat pad or a hot water bottle with an insulated cover on it. Make sure this is not too hot and is not directly touching your skin.

You should do this for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day.

What do I do if my symptoms flare up?

Flare ups of pain are common. Some people have recurrent flare ups of pain so it is important to know how best to manage these flare ups. In most cases a pain flare-up will settle within 6 weeks.

Top Tips

  • You will likely find it helpful to rest a bit more but it is still important to keep active. This will help to avoid becoming stiff and your muscles becoming weak.
  • If you aim to get a balance between rest and activity it should help your pain to settle down. You may be sore at first, however, start slowly and gradually increase the amount you do.
  • Reduce movements or tasks that aggravate your symptoms. This can help especially in the early days.
  • Adopting positions or movements that reduce your pain can be useful.

Pain Relief


  • Analgesia also known as pain relief can be an important part in helping you manage your symptoms and allow you to stay active.
  • Taking suitable pain relief regularly allows you to move more normally and continue your usual activities without causing any damage. It is unlikely that medication alone will resolve your pain totally. For this reason we are using the term pain relief (A 30-50% reduction in pain would be deemed to be a good success).


  • Paracetamol is a good general pain management medication. It is used to help manage lots of different types of pain.
  • Sometimes people believe they need something ‘stronger’ than paracetamol when in fact, taking a regular dose rather than a one-off dose is more effective.
  • Spreading the doses of the paracetamol evenly out over a day will help you control your pain. Visit NHS Inform for more detailed information on paracetamol.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS)

  • NSAIDs are medications that can reduce swelling around joints and nerve endings to give pain relief. They are particularly useful
    in treating inflammatory type pain. Two commonly prescribed NSAIDs are ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Although NSAIDs can be very useful they are not suitable for everyone. Visit NHS inform for further information related to NSAIDs.

There are other forms of pain relievers available. If you feel your current pain relievers are not helping your pain or you are
experiencing any side effects from your medication, please seek advice from your GP or pharmacist.

For general information on medication visit NHS Inform.

Staying in work and returning to work

We know that staying in work or returning to work as soon as possible is good for your mental and physical health.

If you have problems with activities at work, it may be helpful to ask for a workstation/workplace assessment or talk with your manager or Occupational Health Department. This can help with alterations or provision of equipment or altering your working day or tasks.

There are organisations which can support you at work or help you return to work. You can visit Knowledge Scotland for further information.

Weight Management

Weight Reduction – People who are overweight tend to have more prolonged pain and poorer tissue healing due to increased levels of inflammation in the body. Reducing your weight can generally help improve the healing process.

A good indicator of whether you need to lose weight is your body mass index (BMI), which you can calculate with the NHS BMI calculator.

If your BMI states you are overweight or obese it is likely that losing weight will reduce your symptoms. Carrying extra fat also increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Reducing your portion sizes and eating a balanced diet can be helpful in reducing weight. NHS informs provides a free online 12-week weight management programme to get you started right away.

If you need a little more help and feel that you would benefit from working with others in group sessions NHS Lanarkshire’s Weigh to Go programme, groups in North and South Lanarkshire, will help you become more active, eat well and lead a healthier lifestyle.


Smoking can affect how your body recovers from musculoskeletal problems. If you smoke then the good news is that by stopping smoking it can improve your health in many different ways. Giving up smoking is not something you have to do on your own. You’re twice as likely to stop smoking successfully if you get the right support from the NHS. There is a free NHS stop smoking service available in Lanarkshire to help you succeed.

Chronic Pain

Some people will have pain which persists beyond the expected time frame for their condition. For further information on this and how best to manage it please visit our Chronic Pain webpage.

Pain Association Scotland is a national charity that delivers professionally led self-management pain education in the community.

Active Health Programme

South Lanarkshire

Active Health is a programme for residents of South Lanarkshire living with long term conditions. Residents are referred via Acute, Physio & specialist nurses to a 10-week programme and then signposted onto a wide variety of mainstream physical activity, sport & outdoor opportunities.

South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture have many active community opportunities as well as specialised referral programmes. Full details of the 20 leisure centres can be found on the SLL website. Contact details across South Lanarkshire or call 01698 476262 to find out the number of your local leisure centre.

Please contact your health professional to discuss this referral or contact SLLC on 01698 476262.

Contact details

North Lanarkshire

North Lanarkshire Leisure’s Active Health Programme in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire provides a range of supported programmes to help individuals realise the benefits of becoming more physically active whilst also assisting those who are recovering from minor or even more serious illness.

The Active Health Programme has both a General Programme where individuals can access the mainstream health and fitness programmes running within NL Leisure Venues including swimming, jogging, golf and more!

A Specialised Health Class Programme which requires a referral from a health professional, this option is available to individuals who require additional specialised support in taking part in physical activity and classes include Strength and Balance, Cardio I, Cardio II, Back Care and Macmillan Move More classes.

A health and social care professional can make a referral by using the Active Health referral form found at the bottom of the page in the link below.

Contact Details - Health & Wellbeing Information

Mental Wellbeing

It is very important to look after your own mental wellbeing. This can have an influence on your recovery or management of your Musculoskeletal problem. Visit our mental wellbeing page for more information.

If the advice on our website hasn't helped or improved your foot issue, you can self-refer and book an appointment.

Please complete our e-referral form and email this form to podiatry.hub@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

The Podiatry Hub is open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.

Call the hub on 01698 753753

Podiatry hub telephone details 01698 753753
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