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Health Improvement

Tobacco and Smoking Cessation Training and Learning

National Accredited Smoking Cessation Module


The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) is a social enterprise committed to support the delivery of effective evidence-based tobacco control programmes and smoking cessation interventions provided by local stop smoking services.

Target Audience:

All NHS staff and partner agencies that provide specialist advice and provide NRT and one-to-one behavioural support to clients.

Delivery Method:

On-line blended- learning modules. NCSCT Practitioner: core competences /standards in helping people to stop smoking. This is an accredited course. Participants must complete an assessment.

Once completed participants will be eligible to take the: Face to Face training module x 2 days

Materials to support training under development including: Downloadable training manual & Mentoring and Shadowing guidelines. To be hosted on TURAS (NHS Lanarkshire Staff Learning and Development Site). After the face-to-face training, there will also be an element of shadowing NHSL QYW staff and seeing clients on a one-to-one basis (while supervised).

Please note:  Face to Face element of this training is particularly relevant to specialist advisors.

NCSCT training website.



Tobacco IMPACT Training


This is a shorter version of IMPACT training recognising pressures on workers and volunteers who support people with mental health problems.

Session covers the following topics:

  • Effects of smoking on mental health medication
  • Facilitating discussions about smoking/e-cigarettes (vaping) and mental health
  • Information on local services to help people stop smoking

Learning Objectives:

  • To increase staff confidence in raising the issue of smoking with the people they work with.
  • To ensure staff know where to refer individuals for help and support when quitting smoking.

Target Audience:

All staff working with those who are experiencing mental health issues.


1 hour.

Delivery Method:

Online via Teams.



Children, Carers & Second-Hand Smoke Training


This module will introduce the topic of second-hand smoke (SHS) and will help participants think about how to talk to parents about it. It focuses on building knowledge and in so doing, building confidence when speaking to parents. A hard copy of this pack is available on request.

Target Audience:

Anyone working with young children & parents/carers.

Delivery Method:

ASH Scotland E-module




Raising the Issue of Smoking in a Money Advice Setting


It’s aim is to enable money advice workers to feel confident in having non-judgemental conversations around smoking and the financial costs with their clients who present with financial difficulties, and highlighting the benefits of stopping smoking and saving money.

Target Audience:

This course is designed for money advice organisations, foodbanks and community organisations who offer any type of financial advice and support to clients.


The e-learning is split into two modules, each taking about 20 – 30 minutes to complete.

Delivery Method:

ASH Scotland E-module

Further Reading National Tobacco Control Policy



Second-Hand Smoke


This module will introduce you to the topic of second-hand smoke (SHS) and will help you to think about how to talk to parents about it. It focuses on building knowledge and in so doing, building your confidence when speaking to parents.

Target Audience:

The eLearning is aimed at family support workers, befrienders, home/school link workers and early years staff from both voluntary and local authority based organisations. If you work or volunteer in a role which involves supporting families with young children, then this training is for you.  It has been developed for professionals working with families, it is not appropriate to be shared directly with parents.

Delivery Method:

ASH Scotland E-module



Smoking in pregnancy


Very Brief Advice (VBA) is a proven intervention to trigger attempts to quit smoking, this short training module is specifically for staff delivering VBA to pregnant women.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the main effects of smoking upon the health of mother and baby
  • Understand the patterns and prevalence of smoking among pregnant women
  • Understand how and where VBA fits into the care pathway
  • Establish smoking status, including Carbon Monoxide screening
  • Advise women on the best way of stopping smoking or managing their exposure to smoke
  • Support women to quit or manage their exposure to smoke
  • Deal with issues as they arise
  • Complete a short assessment to consolidate your knowledge

Target Audience:

All NHS staff and partner agencies that are in contact or provide support for pregnant women


40 minutes

Delivery Method:

Available via Learnpro for Midwifery Staff and NHS Staff providing support for pregnant women.



Public Health Scotland – Very Brief Advice (Smoking)

Learning Objectives:

By completing this module you will be able to:

  • Explain what very brief advice on smoking is, the purpose and its benefits
  • Introduce very brief advice into your interactions with people who smoke
  • Reflect on your own role and be aware of the support and services available to help people to stop smoking

Target Audience:

This course is aimed at health professionals and other allied health professionals working in a wide range of settings who have interactions with people who smoke.


45 mins.

Delivery Method:

Public Health Scotland

ASH Scotland E-module



Public Health Scotland – Very Brief Advice: Raising the issue of smoking Level 1


Public Health Scotland Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) The training will help staff to provide very brief advice about smoking and how to refer someone to the local Quit your Way (QYW) service. The Very Brief Advice module is based on the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) module.

Target Audience:

All NHS staff and partner Agencies


Takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Delivery Method:

To log in to Health Scotland VLE courses you are required to open an online account.



Understanding Tobacco


This e-learning module is for anyone who is interested in finding out a little more about smoking and tobacco. It gives a brief overview of tobacco, nicotine cravings, available support and nicotine replacement therapy. This generic stand-alone module is specifically for those who find that the other course topics aren’t currently relevant to their learning needs).

Target Audience:

All NHSL staff and partner agencies that provide brief advice or NRT and one-to-one behavioural support to clients.


60 minutes.

Delivery Method:

ASH Scotland E-module



ASH Scotland – Vaping and Young People


The training gives a brief overview of tobacco, nicotine cravings, available support and nicotine replacement therapy. It also includes information on E-Cigarettes and Vaping and Young People.

Learning Objectives:

To increase knowledge on tobacco and the support available.

Target Audience:

All NHSL staff and partner agencies that provide brief advice or Nicotine Replacement Therapy and one-to-one behavioural support to individuals.


30 minutes.

Delivery Method:

ASH Scotland E-module



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