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Three Sisters Have Century of NHS Experience

Apr 26, 2022

Three siblings who have dedicated their careers to the NHS have celebrated their combined 100 years’ service this year.

Eldest sister Jean Daly, 62, joined the healthcare service in 1993, working first as a domestic before moving into nursing in 2004, where she now works as a healthcare clinical assistant in an elderly care ward in Motherwell.

Her sisters Arlene and Roz have clocked up an average of 30 years of nursing each and are still going strong on the frontline.

Longest-serving sister and trailblazing nurse in the family, Roz Kerr, 58 officially retired three years ago, but came back into the service to support her siblings and pass on her knowledge to new staff, working two days per week to help look after patients in surgery.

She currently works between the University Hospital Wishaw and the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH).

Roz, who lives in Hamilton, said: “Clearly nursing runs in our blood somewhere. For me, it was an easy decision to come back part-time to use all the skills I’ve learned over the years, particularly now during the pandemic.”

The sisters all grew up in Bothwell with Roz training as a nurse in 1981 and followed 10 years later by youngest sister Arlene, 48.

Arlene said: “I remember when Roz would be studying and I’d read her nursing books when I was around eight or nine and I knew I wanted to be a nurse. I didn’t know I’d end up in theatre but I fell in love with the speciality.”

Working as a trauma nurse at the QEUH, Arlene can see anything from someone with a broken finger right through to a major car crash patient flown in by helicopter.

She added: “Despite the challenges, I love the job and I always say that to students. While the job is hard, it gives me huge satisfaction and that’s why we do it. Our job is practical. You see people get fixed.”

Reflecting on nursing and its role in the pandemic, Jean said: “It has been an extremely difficult time over pandemic for patients and staff. In an elderly ward it can be very frightening for patients. We have had to become their family in place of their loved ones.

“Throughout we look after our patients with dignity and understanding. I still love the job. It’s always a pleasure to help someone in this way.”

On working through the pandemic, each sister pointed to having kindred spirits in one another to confide in and support throughout. Roz summed up: “We understand each other’s jobs incredibly well – which has been an amazing mini-support network throughout our careers, and particularly through the pandemic. While we were unable to see each other at home during the height of the pandemic, I was able to work alongside my sister Arlene so we could keep in touch and make sure we were all ok.”

Grandmother to two children, Jean who still lives in Bothwell, added: “We’re always talking shop, in work, and out of work – we always have banter about the job, but we love it. It’s been really important for us over the past few years especially, but throughout our whole careers.”

Throughout their long and shared career paths, they’ve seen many changes in the health service but the underlying principles have always remained the same – putting the patient first in all elements of their care.

For the sisters, whose combined careers span time at University Hospital Wishaw, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the QEUH, the old Southern General, Strathclyde Ward and Kirklands, retirement might be nearing, however, their love for the job and desire to pass on knowledge and support colleagues and patients during the pandemic means they won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Pic:  (left to right) Arlene, Jean, Roz

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