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Transient Ischaemic Attack

Information for patients

NHS Lanarkshire Emergency Department


You have been assessed in the Emergency Department today following what may be a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA), sometimes called a mini-stroke.

What is a TIA?

A TIA is the name given to a collection of symptoms caused by a temporary blockage of the blood supply to a part of your brain. This is usually caused by a tiny blood clot. These symptoms are similar to those associated with strokes and can include weakness or numbness of a body area, or problems with vision or speech. Not every person with a TIA will have the same symptoms.

A TIA is different from a stroke as the symptoms are not permanent and get better within a short period of time. On average TIAs last around 15 minutes but some may last longer.

What are the signs of a TIA?

The warning signs of a TIA can be memorized as follows:

F     Facial weakness – a droop on one side of the face, difficulty smiling

A     Arm or leg weakness, numbness or tingling.

S     Speech problems – slurred speech or difficulty finding or understanding words

T     Time. Act ‘FAST’ and call 999 immediately if you develop ANY one of these

You must act ‘FAST’ and call 999 if your symptoms recur and last more than 30 minutes.

What happens now?

You will only be discharged from the Emergency Department if you are now back to your usual self and the TIA symptoms have gone. You may need a CT scan of your brain and staff will tell you the arrangements for this.

You may be started on medicines to try to reduce the risk of you having another TIA or stroke. The medicines often used are Aspirin (or Clopidogrel if you can’t take Aspirin – sometimes both will be given) which makes blood clots less likely to happen, and atorvastatin to reduce cholesterol which can cause fatty deposits in blood vessels. You will need to take these medications until you are seen by a specialist. Please do not stop this medication without consulting a doctor.

Other risk factors that can be improved include stopping smoking, making sure your blood pressure is well controlled, eating healthily and getting regular exercise.

You should be seen very soon in the TIA clinic by a specialist doctor. They will decide if you need any further tests or different medicines. An appointment will be sent out to you. You should be seen in clinic within the next four days. If you have not heard from us please call 01236 703108 (Stroke MCN Hub).

Quit Your Way – free NHS Lanarkshire stop smoking support

Giving up smoking is not something you have to do on your own.

There is a free NHS stop smoking service available in Lanarkshire to help you succeed. You’re twice as likely to stop smoking successfully if you get the right support from the NHS.

Quit Your Way is our free stop smoking service, where trained and friendly advisers can be contacted to support you, the service offers a variety of support options and access to nicotine replacement treatments, even if those who smoke have attempted to quit previously.

Quit Your Way can be contacted Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm on 0800 84 84 84 or visit here for more information.


After you have had a TIA, it is not legal to drive for one month, as stated by the Driving and Vehicle License Authority (DVLA).

If you drive a car or motorcycle, you do not need to inform the DVLA unless you are advised to do so by a specialist doctor.

If you have a license to drive a lorry or bus, you are required to inform the DVLA and should not drive for 1 year.

Further information relating to driving and medical conditions can be found under  medical conditions in the driving section of the UK Government website.

Emergency Department Contact Information

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Publication date: Oct 2023
Review date: Oct 2025
Issue Number: 05
Reference: PIL.BUCKLE.76150.L

If you need this information in another language or format, please e-mail:


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