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International Nurses Day

May 12, 2022

Today every nurse across Lanarkshire and beyond is being offered thanks from NHS Lanarkshire’s Executive Nurse Director on International Nurses Day 2022.

Eddie Docherty, Executive Nurse Director has made a personal thank you to nurses across the world for their contribution to healthcare over the years but in particular the last two years which have been the most challenging ever in the NHS’s history.

Eddie said:  “Nurses throughout Lanarkshire, and indeed the world, have made an enormous contribution to the NHS and deserve to have a day dedicated to them.

“This year’s them is focusing on investing in the nursing profession across the world and now is the time to support this theme after the challenges faced by healthcare professionals across the globe following the pandemic.

“Without the nursing profession the NHS would be unable to offer the high quality healthcare it provides day in and day out and we should applaud our nursing colleagues for their dedication and professionalism.

“I would like to offer my thanks to all our nursing colleagues across Lanarkshire on their day of recognition.”

The them to this year’s International Nurses Day 2022 is Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health, focusing on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world.


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