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Corporate Strategy – Vision, Values and Objectives


NHS Lanarkshire is committed to delivering world-leading, high quality innovative health and social care that is person-centered.
We care about the people we serve and our ambition is to be a quality-driven organisation that is focused on achieving a healthier life for all.
How we plan to achieve this is set out in ‘Achieving Excellence – a plan for person centred, innovative healthcare to help Lanarkshire flourish’. This summarises our future plans, which will play an important role in improving health and social care alongside – and integrated with – the two Strategic Commissioning Plans for Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
Other key influences on this work are both The National Clinical Strategy for Scotland, and the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, both published by the Scottish Government in 2016.


The NHS Lanarkshire values of Fairness, Respect, Working Together and Quality underpin our purpose, providing local focus and context for the improvement of our services and guiding our individual and team behaviours.


Ensuring clear and considerate decision making at all levels

  • As a team, we are responsible for being consistent and open in making decisions
  • As an individual I am responsible for participating in decisions and seeking clarity whenever I am unsure


Valuing every individual and their contribution

  • As a team, we are responsible for being courteous and professional in fulfilling our individual and collective roles
  • As an individual, I am responsible for recognising that we are all different and appreciating the contribution that I and others make


Setting and maintaining standards in everything we do

  • As a team, we are responsible for upholding our high standards in every activity, for every person, everywhere
  • As an individual, I am responsible for ensuring I understand and deliver our standards every time

Working Together

Thinking, growing, delivering as a team

  • As a team, we are responsible for creating and sustaining an environment that allows team working and collaboration to flourish
  • As an individual, I am responsible for communicating effectively and working well with others at all times


Corporate Objectives for 2023/24:

The 2023/24 Corporate Objectives template has four categories.

  • Better Health – Improve health & wellbeing and address inequalities
    Establish evidence informed outcomes and objectives that improve the health and
    wellbeing of our population, address health inequalities and reduce the environmental
    impact of climate change on population health.
  • Better Care – Transforming to improve our services
    Redesigning and transforming across the whole system to improve access, outcomes,
    patient experience and to deliver resilient and sustainable health care.
  • Better Value – Deliver value & sustainability
    Provide effective planning that supports financial sustainability, balances budgets,
    provides value and ensures effective use of resources.
  • Better Workplace – Improve staff experience & wellbeing
    Create a workplace that promotes health and wellbeing, implementing programmes that
    impact positively on the lives of our workforce, reflect the value we place on them,
    enhance engagement, and build resilience.

The full Corporate Objectives document for 2023/24 is available at the link below.


Corporate Objectives 170.42 KB 1036 downloads

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